Latest and Breaking Internet News and Top Stories - July 7
Breaking News,

Le temps fait grise mine et les footballeurs français viennent de regagner l’Hexagone après leur défaite en quart de finale de la Coupe du Monde. Deux raisons de ne pas vraiment ce réjouir en ce début du mois de juillet. Pour autan...

With 100 streams counting as a single purchase, Ariana Grande has topped the singles chart under the new metrics US singer Ariana Grande has made British chart history by becoming the first artist to have a No 1 single based on both sale...

Social media have made fans worldwide feel more involved than ever before and have often left TV commentators stumbling During the Belgium v USA game on 1 July, noting the physical resemblance between the Belgian striker Kevin De Bruyne ...
Passengers on some of the UK's busiest rail routes will have access to internet speeds ten times faster than those currently on offer, under plans to upgrade the network. The £90m scheme proposed by the government will allow passengers o...
The Afghan government on Sunday rejected a proposal to ban Facebook during an ongoing deadlock over the presidential election, despite fears that social media postings have fanned ethnic hatred.
Online exchanges between Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah supporters over alleged fraud threaten to spill over into violence The Afghan government has rejected a proposal to ban Facebook during an ongoing deadlock over the presidential...
This week people across the world were outraged by Facebook's latest timeline test, an experiment that saw it populating people's feeds with overly negative or positive responses and seeing how this affected an individual's mood. Rather ...
The internet has a way of turning minor displeasure into major tantrums. And the best response is to laugh at ourselves Britain has anger issues. Would anybody take issue with that statement? Of course they would, with shouting. That's p...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Washington Post said on Saturday a study of a large collection of communications intercepted by the U.S. National Security Agency showed that ordinary Internet users, including Americans, far outnumbered legall...
In Europe there is a growing fear of becoming a 'digital colony' ruled by Silicon Valley, whose giant firms wield huge power over privacy and like to avoid tax. Now regulators are striking back Meet the German publisher who's taking on G...
The revelation that Facebook has manipulated news feeds ought to surprise nobody There are two interesting lessons to be drawn from the row about Facebook's "emotional contagion" study. The first is what it tells us about ...
The 'right to be forgotten' that has some people seeking to have past references expunged is puzzling It has been a distressing and troubling period for those of us who struggle to maintain a meaningful relationship with social media and...
'Much time, effort and misery could be spared if we stopped thinking of the internet as something Other, something that exists outside ourselves' I don't know whether to be pleased or sorry that I came off Facebook three years ago. ...
Sony Walkman at 35 Looking back at the most iconic music player of all time Last week, the Sony Walkman turned 35 years old. The Walkman is, therefore just a year younger than I am, and I certainly feel like we've grown up together. Sinc...
Russia's parliament passed a bill on Friday requiring Internet companies to store Russians' personal data inside the country in an apparent move to pressure sites such as Facebook and Twitter into handing over user information.
HAVANA (Reuters) - A magazine editor who has tested the limits of free speech in Cuba believes the Cuban government has no option but to allow universal Internet access, and he plans to exploit that opening to promote a more pluralistic ...
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's parliament passed a law on Friday to force Internet sites that store the personal data of Russian citizens to do so inside the country, a move the Kremlin says is for data protection but which critics see an a...
The venture capitalist and founder of the Draper University of Heroes just bought 29,656 bitcoins for an undisclosed sum He has just won a US government auction for a trove of bitcoins. His university of heroes is preparing to induct a n...
What if there were a page on a 'revenge porn' site about you - would you want to use Google's 'right to be forgotten' to get it taken out of search? The notification by Google that it was removing links to pages on the BBC and some news ...
New study finds way to improve Google Flu Trends accuracy threefold - but says systems must be more open Google Flu Trends and other hopes of providing public health breakthroughs by analysing huge amounts of medical data have been overs...
After Facebook's mood study caused opprobrium, we want to know whether you use and 'like' the social network? Continue reading...
For a decade, people have been using facebook to tell friends and family about milestones in their lives, posting pictures and sharing anecdotes to create rich virtual representations. But what happens to those representations when the p...
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Hackers posted a bogus announcement of a rocket strike against Israel's Dimona reactor and a possible nuclear leak on a Twitter account used by the Israeli military, which said on Friday it was combating such cyber ...
CaixaBank is giving 15,000 wristbands to customers that will enable them to make contactless payments to hundreds of thousands of businesses in Spain
US privacy pressure group files complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission over use of user data without consent Facebook could face an investigation by the US Federate Trade Commission (FTC) over its use of user data in the controve...
Yuseo a réalisé, pour la 3ème fois, un benchmark de l’expérience client sur les quatre sites de référence dans le secteur de la vente de chaussures en ligne (Zalando,, La Redoute et Parmi les 6 900 cyberacheteus...
A l’occasion du conseil d’administration de la Fédération qui s’est réuni la semaine passée, François Momboisse a été réélu Président de la Fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance (Fevad) pour un nouveau mandat d’un an. Cette ...
Lengow, la solution permettant le référencement rapide des catalogues produits des marchands en ligne sur les comparateurs de prix et les places de marché notamment, vient d’intégrer la place de marché Spartoo à sa solution. Lengow propo...
Tout au long de notre éducation, la réponse à la question ‘Pourquoi ?’ est apparue comme “La Quête Absolue”. Culturellement, surtout en marketing, la causalité est un moteur essentiel, tentant de comprendre pourquoi un consom...
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has jailed 68 people for up to nine years for online gambling, state media said on Friday, making it the country's largest such bust of a ring, which was valued at $78 billion.
Why pledge allegiance to the united tech giants of America and the surveillance for which they stand? I am one man, relatively invisible, with liberty and justice online More than a decade ago, over the July 4th holiday, I declared my pe...
Browsing the web in virtual reality seems like a no-brainer until you stop and ask, 'Actually, how will it be any different apart from the hulking great box on my head?'. But Google sees a lot of potential in the idea, and so it's workin...
Argos and eBay are to extend their Click & Collect pilot. The general merchandise multichannel retailer and the pureplay marketplace have been testing a set-up in which goods sold by some eBay merchants were available for delivery to...
Researchers say the study was not funded by Minerva Research Initiative, which engaged scientists in national security issues Facebook and Cornell researchers have denied that the controversial emotion contagion experiment was funded by ...
Online deliveries grew by a fifth in May, according to the latest IMRG research. But while deliveries are continuing to grow fast, it seems many UK consumers have yet to learn about alternative delivery methods such as lockerbanks and th...
If this week had a sound that sound would be "wheeeeee!" or maybe "gnnnnnh!" - that's our impression of BMW's tech-filled and faintly frightening M3 sports car, which can put a smile on even the most sombre face. But BMW'...
The main site struggled with internal server issues on Friday morning as web searches were returned with an error message Googles search website suffered an intermittent outage on Friday morning that prevented users from conducting searc...
The foundation of customer segmentation and prediction depends upon a few incontrovertible truths. It’s sexist, ageist, nationist, locationist and most certainly spendist. ‘Ists’, stereotypes and assumptions are some of the best tools in...
Naked Wines has reported 40% growth in its latest financial year, sending turnover past the £50m milestone. The wine pureplay, which underpins wine retail with social media while also crowdfunding to finance independent winemakers, said ...
Santander is creating a $100m venture capital fund in London for financial technology (fintech) suppliers
Open thread : Professor Green has announced he's "had his fill" of Twitter and erased his timeline. Can you nominate music's best tweeters and provide him with some inspiration? Professor Green announced this week that he had "had h...
Some 78% of UK organisations have formally adopted at least one cloud-based service, giving cloud a mainstream deployment status
The NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is using Huddle cloud collaboration software to deliver more joined up health and social care
China's Internet giants and insurance companies are finding ever more innovative ways to get around the country's strict betting laws and reap a payout as fans wager billions on the World Cup.
Superfans recreate a Westeros wedding, a dancing groom surprises his bride and Nick Kyrgios fires a cheeky shot Game of Thrones fans may be mourning the end of series four, but they are finding new inventive ways to keep the spirit of We...
Lots of people are up in arms about the recent revelation that Facebook manipulated news feeds in the name of research. But we need to look at the bigger picture of the future of digital research Between the high-profile cases of fraud a...