Logan Faerber did these fantastic Pokémon images, in which " trainers reflect their Pokemon in some subtle way, such as hair style, body shape, pose, etc." Read more...
When I was 12 I didn't like school much — who did? But if someone told me I didn't have to go to school and could use the spare time to do whatever I wanted? I'd probably just spend it trying to break my speed records on Super Punch Out!...
Today, July 1, Age of Empires Online is no more. Few will mourn its passing, but many more will nevertheless look to its demise as a sad event, given the attachment people once had to the words "Age of Empires". Read more...
The mountain with a horse for a head sighed, "I'll never forget this snowy day." And then it got hit by a flying truck, right in the umbrella . Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mountain . Read more...
A dark, moody film about the early days of Sam Fisher sounds like the kind of thing Hollywood would want to dabble in. They've been beaten to the punch, though, by this impressive-looking fan project. Read more...
League of Legends' public chat rooms have long been crawling with scammers and all other manner of assholes. So developers Riot have decided to shut them down. Read more...
Sometimes it feels like the idea of a video game "dry spell" is a thing of the past. Other times, there really aren't that many new games and it's time to dig into the backlog. Here at the start of July, it feels a little more li...
Thirty thousand kilometers. That's how far JL2579 has to travel to get to the edge of Minecraft- -more than twice the diameter of Earth. You can watch him do it live, right here. Read more...
Though the Sailor Moon reboot doesn't start broadcasting until July 5th, footage of an advanced screening has leaked—notably, Sailor Moon's new transformation sequence, as well as the new intro to the show. Read more...
According to video games, the only thing I'm interested in—when I'm not being lazy—is sunshine, fun and carefree living. In the world of video games, this is the stereotypical Caribbean person. Read more...
Nine months after release and Grand Theft Auto V is still pregnant with ridiculously impressive stunt potential. In the latest from Nomad Union, absolute insanity happens. Read more...
I did not expect to be playing Resogun in the summer of 2014. I thought I was done with it. I was wrong. The new $5 Resogun Heroes expansion for the PS4 launch game has a great new mode with it, a mode that has taken over my gaming life....
The PlayStation Vita has come a long way in the last two and a half years. Sony's handheld console has navigated a winding and sometimes uncertain route, often deviating from whatever we thought its original course would be. And yet some...
Deadspin Allow This Hype Video To Get You So Damn Pumped For U.S.A.-Belgium | Gizmodo Inside the Secret Building That's Bringing Cell Service To NYC's Subway | Jalopnik The Ten Dumbest Road Rage Fails Ever Caught On Video | Lifehacker Th...
All those Rokus, plasma screens, and next-gen consoles you have need a place to live, so which piece of furniture provides them the best home? We're looking forward to seeing which features matter most to you, as well as learning about s...
It's a dispiriting law of nature, but everything in pop culture eventually grows old and starts to lose its edge. Thankfully, corporate sponsors are always ready to step up and put a stop to this uncontrollable slide towards obsolescence...
As voted on by 28 outlets and Kotaku, here are the official Game Critics Awards winners of various E3 2014 awards, a good chunk of which were stolen by Evolve and No Man's Sky, unsurprisingly. Read more...
Don't call it a comeback. Second Life has been here for years—eleven, this month—but after the virtual world's much-vaunted debut, the online universe slowly slipped out of the cultural consciousness, now infrequently referenced more as ...
I know. I know ! I'm the worst. I'm a sheep. I'm part of what's wrong with modern American culture. But at least in Kim's realm I'm an A-list celebrity with 50 million fans—after nearly $500 worth of in-app purchases, of course. Read mor...
We were so intrigued by the World War I adventure game Valiant Hearts that we reviewed it twice. Sort of. Luke reviewed it for us last week . Stephen (that's me!) just reviewed it for The New York Times . Read the latter review here if y...
The Witcher Battle Arena is the best parts of what happens when a company like CD Projekt Red, developer of ambitious RPGs like The Witcher series, gets outside its comfort zone and thinks about making something as ubiquitous as another ...
We'd like to tell you about Grand Theft Auto Online's Independence Day Special update. We'd love to inform you that it will grant access to all kinds of patriotic gear, like an antique musket, an American flag T-shirt, a glorious mullet ...
Former Epic Games design director Cliff Bleszinski announced his return to the video game industry this week, and plans to reveal details on his new project "in the next seven days." 21 months after departing a studio he'd served for 20 ...
The Western version of Freedom Wars features Japanese audio with subtitles in multiple languages, but no English dubs, says Producer Nick Accordino, who also revealed a physical edition of the sci-fi Vita game is "definitely planned" for...
If you like the idea of wearing ridiculously extravagant costumes whilst beating up people, but don't have the money, lack of moral code or WWE career to support it, we're here for you with a friendly reminder: As part of Microsoft's Gam...
Dead Island is spawning a new game with mystery in mind, thanks to a partnership between Deep Silver and Swedish studio Fatshark. Escape Dead Island, which is both the game's title and obvious directive, is a third-person game that favor...
2K Sports revealed the cover art for WWE 2K15 this week, the second game in the series from the publisher. The cover art features the face of the WWE and current champion John Cena, posing in a way that indicates he's contemplating his u...