World's Most Incredible Tribes Episode 3: Shamanic Rituals - Hallucinogenic Drugs - the journey to the other side
Tribos - tribo Sanema, Venezuela (Photo credit: tvbrasil) |
Apart from the recipes of potions and ointments applied to the sick, the shamans of the tribe should move to the other side, the land of the spirits for advice. They are the only ones able to undo the spells.
The Sanema need to ingest large doses of sakona, which is a heavy salivation. The journey they have to make to meet their deidas and formulate their questions is very long. The ritual chants and rhythmic movements are effective tools to get out of themselves, to transcend to the afterlife, to open the door allowing their conscience to access a different reality.
Tribos - tribo Sanema Venezuela (Photo credit: tvbrasil) |