Private Life of a Masterpiece Episode 7: Auguste Renoir - Bal au moulin de la Galette (Dance at Le moulin de la Galette)(BBC Documentary)
Musée d'Orsay (Photo credit: Dimitry B) |
Like other works of Renoir's early maturity, Bal du moulin de la Galette is a typically Impressionist snapshot of real life. It shows a richness of form, a fluidity of brush stroke, and a flickering light.
From 1879 to 1894 the painting was in the collection of the French painter Gustave Caillebotte; when he died it became the property of the French Republic as payment for death duties. From 1896 to 1929 the painting hung in the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris. From 1929 it hung in the Musée du Louvre until it was transferred to the Musée d'Orsay in 1986.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Dance at Le moulin de la Galette (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |