25 Hours With The Genius of Richard Feynman
1. Richard Feynman - No Ordinary Genius (Documentary)
Richard Phillips Feynman was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics (he proposed the parton model). For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. He developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which later became known as Feynman diagrams. During his lifetime, Feynman became one of the best-known scientists in the world. In a 1999 poll of 130 leading physicists worldwide by the British journal Physics World he was ranked as one of the ten greatest physicists of all time.
He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb and was a member of the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. In addition to his work in theoretical physics, Feynman has been credited with pioneering the field of quantum computing, and introducing the concept of nanotechnology. He held the Richard Chace Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.
Feynman was a keen popularizer of physics through both books and lectures, notably a 1959 talk on top-down nanotechnology called, There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, and the three volume publication of his undergraduate lectures, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Feynman also became known through his semi-autobiographical books, Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and What Do You Care What Other People Think?, and books written about him, such as Tuva or Bust!.
Playlist - 19 videos 17 hours
2. The Fantastic Mr Feynman HD
Family and friends contribute to a celebration of Richard Feynman, one of the most inspiring and influential scientists of the 20th century. Feynman, who died 25 years ago, helped design the atomic bomb, won a Nobel Prize for Physics and solved the mystery of the Challenger shuttle catastrophe.
3. Richard Feynman - The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out was filmed in 1981 and will delight and inspire anyone who would like to share something of the joys of scientific discovery. Feynman is a master storyteller, and his tales -- about childhood, Los Alamos, or how he won a Nobel Prize -- are a vivid and entertaining insight into the mind of a great scientist at work and play.
In this candid interview Feynman touches on a wide array of topics from the beauty of nature to particle physics. He explains things that are hard to grasp in layman's terms much like Carl Sagan did in the cosmos series. His explanation of the scientific method covers what we know, why we know it and most importantly, what we don't know and the pleasure of figuring it out.
Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Prize for Chemistry said "The 1981 Feynman Horizon is the best science program I have ever seen. This is not just my opinion -- it is also the opinion of many of the best scientists that I know who have seen the program... It should be mandatory viewing for all students whether they be science or arts students."
4. Richard Feynman - Take the World from Another Point of View (PBS: NOVA - 1973)
This 1973 NOVA episode profiles Richard Feynman, Nobel prize-winning theoretical physicist, at the pinnacle of his career.
5. Richard Feynman: Fun to Imagine | Using physics to explain how the world works (1983)
First Broadcast in 1983
Richard Feynman (1918-88) was one of the most remarkable and gifted theoretical physicists of any generation. He was also known as the 'Great Explainer' because of his passion for helping non-scientists to imagine something of the beauty and order of the universe as he saw it.
In this series, Feynman looks at the mysterious forces that make ordinary things happen and, in doing so, answers questions about why rubber bands are stretchy, why tennis balls can't bounce for ever and what you're really seeing when you look in the mirror.
6. Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science. Lawrence Krauss Talk at CERN
Professor Lawrence Krauss presents "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science" at a talk at CERN, Geneva.
Lawrence Krauss is Foundation Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration and Director of the ASU Origins Project at Arizona State University. He is the only physicist to have received the highest awards from all 3 major US professional physics societies.
Professor Krauss has over 300 academic publications, mainly in the field of Cosmology.
His popular science publications include The Physics of Star Trek, Quintessence, and Atom, Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science and, more recently, the widely acclaimed A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing, a book which is, in my opinion, the "A Brief History of Time" of this generation of science literature.
One of the 3 winners of the 1965 Nobel prize in Physics for his work, Richard Feynman was an expert on quantum mechanics and developed the Path Integral formulation of Relativistic Quantum mechanics, used in Quantum Field Theory, he also interpreted the Born series of scattering amplitudes as vertices and Green's functions as propagators and incorporated these in his famous diagrams, the Feynman Diagrams
Feynman's genius was quickly seen when he worked on the Manhattan Project, where his pipelining technique of performing physics calculations could be considered the first instance of parallel processing using human "computers". Feynman developed nuclear weapon yield equations with another giant of quantum physics, Hans Bethe. The Bethe-Feynman Equation was a key component in deriving the more advanced nuclear weapon yield equations which are still considered restricted data by the United States Military.
Feynman also worked on the fundamental quantised excitations in Liquid Helium leading to a correct model describing superfluidity using phonons, maxons and rotons to describe the various excitation curves.
Other fields of work include the Feynman-Hellmann Theorem, which can relate the derivative of the total energy of any system to the expectation value of the derivative of the Hamiltonian under a single parameter, e.g volume.
He also worked on the Rogers Commission report during the investigation of the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, where Feynman famously demonstrated how the Booster Rocket O-rings, which are elastic sealing joints, became less resilient and subject to seal failures at ice-cold temperatures by immersing a sample of the material in a glass of ice water- his high intelligence and independent way of looking at the world often made him "a real pain" in the eyes of other, less skilled, Commission members.
Feynman's own investigation reveals a disconnect between NASA's engineers and executives that was far more striking than he expected. His interviews of NASA's high-ranking managers revealed startling misunderstandings of elementary concepts, such as safety procedures.
Although Feynman got plenty of media coverage due to him being on the Commission, he was often told to stay quiet about NASA's more sinister secrets and tactics in space exploration.
Feynman himself was an interesting man of science, as we shall soon see in this excellent talk,which has also been given to the Science Network, which is available on The Science Foundation's Channel.
7. Richard Feynman - The Last Journey Of A Genius
8. Richard Feynman Computer Heuristics Lecture
9. Richard Feynman - Problem Solving
10. Richard Feynman on the Double Slit Paradox: Particle or Wave?
Richard Feynman's lecture on quantum Probability and Uncertainty in the "Messenger" series of lectures on Cornell University 1964. He elucidates the Double Slit Experiment, which includes the feature of the observer participating in creating the manifestation of the observed object either as a non-local diffracting wave or as a distinct local particle (lump): Contemporary orthodox quantum physics and early Buddhism agrees on this the "Participatory Observation (Anthropic) Principle" coined by American physics grand old man John Archibald Wheeler
11. Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics Part 1 - Photons Corpuscles of Light.FLV
12. Richard Feynman - The.Character of Physical Law - Part 1 The Law of Gravitation
13. Richard Feynman - The.Character.of.Physical Law - Part 2 Part 2: The Relation of Mathematics to Physics
14. Richard Feynman-The Character of Physical Law - Part 3: The Great Conservation Principles
15. Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law - Part 4 Symmetry in Physical Law
16. Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law - Part 6 Probability and Uncertainty
17. Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law -7 -Seeking New Laws
18. Richard Feynman Best mind Since Einstein
19. Richard Feynman on God
20. Richard Feynman Nanotechnology Lecture
Richard Feynman gave his famous talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) as his vision on how physics and engineering could move in the direction that could eventually create nanotechnology.
Really good ideas and strokes of genius are often manifest in the right questions being asked: How small can information be encoded? How can information be written? How can information it be read? All of these important "Hows" were asked by Feynman in a time when computers had to be put in large rooms and when the impending space race was forcing engineers to do some serious strategic thinking in making technology small enough to be lifted by rockets into space to function as serious tools in scientific exploration and defence.
Feynman himself may not have invented the technology we see in the development and continuity of the computer age, but the fact that even in the early 1960's nanotechnology was being considered as a serious field of study was definitely a factor contributing to the boom in computer technology seen in the late 20th century and continues to reach more spectacular levels of sophistication in the 21st century.
In this lecture, Feynman tries to retell his 1959 lecture from a more modern perspective in that many aspects of his vision have been full filled, particularly with the invention of the electron microscope, the atomic force microscope and experimental manipulation of the atomic scale of matter. Also discussed is the current practical field of photolithography for the manufacture of bipolar transistors and junctions used in computer chips done on an industrial scale and how this process continues with ever decreasing wavelength capabilities of lasers from UV to X-rays. Feynman also discusses the boundaries of miniaturisation and how the scale differences affect the function of certain aspects of technology as well as in nature.
Lectures on Quantum Electrodynamics by Richard Feynman
playlist - 4 videos 6 hours
21. QED: Photons -- Corpuscles of Light -- Richard Feynman
22. QED: Fits of Reflection and Transmission -- Quantum Behaviour -- Richard Feynman
23. QED: Electrons and their Interactions -- Richard Feynman
24 QED: New Queries -- Richard Feynman