Awesome Cornsweet Optical Illusion - Why We See What We Do

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Cornsweet Optical Illusion Lateral Inhibition
While it looks like the top square is much darker than the bottom square, they actually have the same color except at the edges. The middle area, where these edges meet, causes the illusion.

In the Cornsweet effect, opposing luminance gradients that meet at an edge make physically identical adjoining regions look differently bright.

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The Cornsweet illusion, also known as the Craik–O'Brien–Cornsweet illusion and the Craik–Cornsweet illusion, is an optical illusion that was described in detail by Tom Cornsweet in the late 1960s. Craik and O'Brien had made earlier observations in a similar vein...
English: Cornsweet illusion.
English: Cornsweet illusion. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Cornsweet illusion.
English: Cornsweet illusion. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)