Josef Krips: John B. Kennedy Symphony 1 in Two Movements, San Francisco Symphony

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JOHN B. KENNEDY (Born 1934): Symphony No. 1 in Two Movements (1964).

The image of Austrian conductor and violinist ...
 Austrian conductor and violinist Josef Krips (1902-1974). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New York born John B. Kennedy studied under Aaron Copland and Roger Sessions. He later received the Koussevitzky Fellowship to Tanglewood.

Among his works are included a Lyric Ode for Strings, a Symphonic Fantasy for Orchestra, this S
ymphony in Two Movements, various orchestral songs, a Choreographic Dance work and works for solo voice and orchestra.

The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra conducted by Josef Krips performed this energetic premiere of the Symphony No. 1 on January 7, 1966. I believe his symphony suggests that Kennedy's works deserve a new look and listen.