Sarasate Zapateado: 39 Performances

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Sarasate Zapateado: 39 Performances (playlist)

Track Listing
David Garrett
David Garrett
-Eduardo H. Asiain
-Kristóf Baráti (violin) and Dénes Dosztán (piano)
-Alfredo Campoli, violin - Daphne Ibbott, piano (rec: 1977)
-Sarah Chang
-Zino Francescatti (Mazurka Op. 68 No. 4 by Chopin/Francescatti and Zapateado by Sarasate)
-David Garrett
-Augustin Hadelich
-Josef Hassid
-Jascha Heifetz (4 performances)
-Adrian Justus

Caricature of Pablo de Sarasate.
Caricature of Pablo de Sarasate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
-Rudolf Koelman (2 performances)
-Leonid Kogan
-Jan Kubelik
-Albert Markov
-Yehudi Menuhin
-Midori Goto
-David Oistrakh
-Itzhak Perlman
-Manuel Quiroga
-Michael Rabin
-Vadim Repin
-Ruggiero Ricci
-Aaron Rosand
-Sarasate Plays Sarasate Zapateado
-Gil Shaham
-Valentin Stefanov
-László Szentgyörgyi
-Henryk Szeryng
-Gerhard Taschner (2 performances)

-Grigory Sedukh. First World's soloist with Violin-Piccolo of new generation.
Unique violin-piccolo tuned one octave higher was created by Dr.Carleen M.Hutchins.
Ayako Toba - piano.
Live recording at Tokyo International University. Japan.18.06.2011

Pablo de Sarasate
Pablo de Sarasate (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
-Violist Arturo Ziraldo performing the Primrose transcription of "Zapateado" from "Sarasateana" by Efrem Zimbalist. November 2008 in the Keller Room at New England Conservatory, with Chung Lim, Piano.

-Elizaveta Sushchenko

-Michael Wolf, double bass, and Young Ho Kim, piano, performing Sarasate's virtuostic piece for violin, "Zapateado" at the KIMF Music Festival 2008, Seoul Arts Center, Korea.

-Spansk dans, op. 23 nr. 2 (1880 / 2012): Zapateado - Danmarks Radio SymfoniOrkestret - Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos