Jean-Jacques Kantorow: Le Chevalier de Saint Georges 4 Violin Concertos

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Le Chevalier de Saint Georges Violin Concertos
Jean-Jacques Kantorow , violin
Orchestre de Chambre Bernard Thomas
Pastiche de la gravure de William Ward d'après...
Pastiche de la gravure de William Ward d'après Mather Brown (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Concerto for violin No.9 in C major, Op.8 0:00
Concerto for violin No.2 in A major, Op.5 20:43
Concerto for violin No.1 in C major, Op.5 42:51
Concerto for violin No.1 in D major, Op.3 1:02:22

In video: Detail of the dress from the painting Madame Sophie de France (1734--1782), daughter of Louis XV, in a court dress and holding her veil, by Jean-Marc Nattier, (1748)

Joseph de Bologne, the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, was one of the most remarkable figures of the 18th century. Incredibly, this son of a slave rose to the top of French society through his mastery of fencing and his genius for classical music! His dual career is illustrated in the above portrait. He is dressed for a concert but holds a sword in place of a conductor's baton. The painting was done in London in 1787 by the American artist Mather Brown.