David Willcocks: Walton Belshazzar's Feast, The Philharmonia Orchestra

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William Walton Belshazzar's Feast (1931)

William Walton
 William Walton
Gwynne Howell, bariton
The Bach Choir and The Philharmonia Orchestra
conducted by Sir David Willcocks

I. "Thus spake Isaiah"
II. "If I forget three, O Jerusalem"
III. "Babylon was a great city"
IV. "Praise ye"
V. "Thus in Babylon"
VI. "And in that same hour"
VII. "Then sing aloud to God"
VIII. "The trumpeters and pipers are silent"

Sir David Willcocks
 Sir David Willcocks
IX. "Then sing aloud to God"

Belshazzar's Feast is a cantata by the English composer William Walton. It was first performed at the Leeds Festival on 8 October 1931, with the baritone Dennis Noble, the London Symphony Orchestra and the Leeds Festival Chorus, conducted by Malcolm Sargent. The work has remained one of Walton's most celebrated compositions.[3] Osbert Sitwell selected the text from the Bible, primarily the Book of Daniel, and Psalm 137. The work is dedicated to Walton's friend and benefactor, Gerald Berners.