Gregorian Chant, The medieval music in Spain, England, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, and others. The troubadours,The old song , The chants of the Mass, Pieces of origin psalmodic, versified Parts Tropos and sequences, Monodia profane, the minstrels, polyphony, Ars Antiqua, Italian Trecento, medieval organology, Strings, Woodwind, Percussion and more.
Notker the Stammerer († 912), a Benedictine monk of the Abbey of St. Gall, creator of the first tropes
Ekkehard I († 973), Abbot of St. Gallen
Hermann Contract († 1054) of the Abbey of Reichenau, theorist
Bernon († 1048), Abbot of Reichenau, musicologist
Wipo († 1060) chaplain at the court of Burgundy, author of Victimae paschali
Adam of St. Victor († 1177), Augustine (Abbey of St. Victor in Paris), author of prose
Stephen Langton (Canterbury, † 1228)
Thomas of Celano († 1256), Franciscan, last editor-composer of the Dies irae
Saint Thomas Aquinas († 1274), Dominican alleged perpetrator of Lauda Sion and Pange lingua
Jacopone da Todi († 1306), a Franciscan, author of the Stabat Mater
School of Our Lady
Lion (1150 - 1210)
Perotin (1160 - 1230)
Philip the Chancellor (1165 - 1236), chancellor of the church of Paris, poet (not the composer)
Adam de la Halle (1240 - 1287), Arras, both composer and monodiste polyphonist
Petrus de Cruce, or Pierre de la Croix (1270 -), composer and theorist
Philippe de Vitry (1291 - 1361), composer and theorist
Guillaume de Machaut (1300 - 1377), composer and poet
Francesco Landini (ca. 1325-1397)
Johannes Ciconia (1335 - 1411), Liège, became canon of Padua
Music of the medieval Gothic age or era (1150-1500) (1200-1500)
Caserta Philippus (c. 1350-1420)
John Dunstable (1390 - 1453), astronomer and musician
Tinctoris Johannes (1435 - 1511), composer and theorist
Troubadours, minstrels and Minnesänger
William IX, Duke of Aquitaine and Count of Poitiers (1071 - 1127)
Jaufré Rudel († 1150)
Marcabru († 1140)
Ventadour Bernard (1125 - 1195)
Peire Vidal († 1205)
Raimbaut of Vaqueiras († 1207)
Aimeric of Péguilhan
Arnaut Daniel († 1210)
Folquet Marseille († 1231)
Guiraut Riquier († 1298)
Blondel de Nesle (eleventh century)
Chrétien de Troyes (1120 - 1180)
Richard the Lion Heart († 1199)
Conon de Bethune († 1219)
Gace Brulé († 1220)
Coinci Gautier (1178 - 1236)
Gautier d'Epinal (thirteenth century?)
Jacques Cysoing (thirteenth century?)
Colin Muset (~ 1210-1250)
Thibaut IV of Champagne, King of Navarre († 1258)
Henry III of Brabant (c. 1231-1261)
Jehan Bretel († 1272)
Adam de la Halle (1237 - 1287)
Hendrik van Veldeke (late twelfth century)
Hartmann von Aue († between 1210 and 1220)
Wolfram von Eschenbach (c. 1170 - 1220)
Walter von der Vogelweide (1170 - 1230)
Neidhart von Reuental (circa 1190 - circa 1236)
Konrad von Würzburg (circa 1225-1287)
John I of Brabant (1253 - 1294)
Heinrich Frauenlob (between 1250 and 1260 to 1318)
Oswald von Wolkenstein (ca. 1376-1445)
Tudors music
Antiphonal: the antiphon Salve Regina
Ode Ut Queant laxis (from which appointed the musical notes)
Miracles of Our Lady of Gautier Coinci
The Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso the Wise (Alfonso El Sabio: Alphonse the scholar),The Jeu de Robin et Marion, Adam de la Halle
Mass of Our Lady of Guillaume de Machaut
the trope,organum,conduit
the descant,the drone,gymel the English,the motet
the madrigal of the Trecento (fourteenth-century Italian madrigal)
Instruments: the rebec, the dulcimer, the fiddle, harps, lyres, the monochord, lutes, guitars, violas, The organistrum ,Percussion, Woodwind