Nelson Freire: Villa-Lobos Prole do Bebê
Labels: Nelson Freire, Villa-LobosNELSON FREIRE: VILLA-LOBOS A PROLE DO BEBÊ, 1997
0:00 : 1- Branquinha - A Boneca de Louça
2:19 : 2- Moreninha - A Boneca de Massa
3:53 : 3- Caboclinha - A Boneca de Barro
6:19 : 4- Mulatinha - A Boneca de Borracha
8:08 : 5- Neguinha - A Boneca de Pão
9:20 : 6- A Pobrezinha - A Boneca de Trapo
11:01 : 7- O Polichinelo
12:27 : 8- Bruxa - A Boneca de Pano
14:58 : 9- Bachianas Brasileiras nº 4 - Prelúdio
18:42 : 10- As Três Marias
22:13 : 11- Rudepoema
These works are about the world of children, but many are fiendishly difficult to play, and many others are craggily modernist in style. So you can't really say they're for children, except that musical children will appreciate both the complicated rhythms and the feeling that each piece is about something different.
Branquinha (A Boneca de Louça) - Little White Doll (The Porcelain Doll)
Moreninha (A Boneca de Massa) - Little Brunette Doll (The Paste Doll)
Caboclinha (A Boneca de Barro) - Little Mestiza Doll (The Clay Doll)
Mulatinha (A Boneca de Borracha) - Little Mulatta Doll (The Rubber Doll)
Negrinha (A Boneca de Pau) - Little Black Doll (The Wooden Doll)
A Pobrezinha (A Boneca de Trapo) - The Poor Little Doll (The Rag Doll)
O Polichinelo - The Punch
A Bruxa (A Boneca de Pano) - The Witch (The Cloth Doll)