Historic period: Baroque
Author: Diogeno Bigaglia (1670-1745)
Performers: I FIORI MUSICALI-historic instruments-Maria Giovanna Fiorentino, recorder; Paolo Tognon, fagot; Irena Pahor, viola da gamba; Roberto Loreggian, harpsichord
Director: Maria Giovanna Fiorentino
Diogenio Bigaglia (1670-1745ca), born in Murano (Venice), was a Benedictine monk at St. George Abbey in Venice. He composed twelve sonatas for recorder and thorough bass printed from Le Céne, Amsterdam, 1722. Other hand-written works, partly lost, as Masses with a large vocal and instrumental organic, three oratorios, one entitled Giaele, performed for the election of Pietro Dandolo as "Doge" in 1730, psalms, Mottetto and sacred and secular cantatas, three triosonatas for two flutes and thorough bass and other works as “concerti grossi” and for harpsichord.
More info: Tactus Records