Virtuoso Channel Milestone: Viewers in 100+ countries

Quick Stats:

Jan - Jun 2012 Chart
- First published page: Arthur Grumiaux: Mendelssohn Violin Concerto 
- Viewers in 4,254 cities in 123 countries
United States, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Japan, 
Germany, South Korea, France and Spain at the top 10 positions.
- 100,000+ videos and playlists
- 5,000+ artists and composers
- Tens of thousands of Google indexed pages
- Bounce Rate: 
December 2011: 32.76%
July 2012:           3.37%
(Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits
i.e. visits in which the person left 
from the entrance page.)

 As of 7/22/12 

Thank you!