Gloria Coates 5 Symphonies Nos 1, 2, 4, 8, 15

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Gloria Coates (*1938): Symphony No.1, "Music on Open Strings" (1973/1974)
Dedicated to the memory of Alexander Tcherepnin.
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Elgar Howarth.
1. Theme and Transformations
2. Scherzo
3. Scordatura (tuning while playing)
4. Refracted Mirror Canon for Fourteen Lines

Gloria Coates: Symphony No.2 "Illuminatio in tenebris" (1974/1988).
Stuttgarter Philharmoniker dir. Wolf-Dieter Hauschild.
1. Aurora Borealis
2. Aurora Australis
3. Dawn

Gloria Coates: Symphony No.4 "Chiaroscuro" (1984/1990).
Stuttgarter Philharmoniker diretta da Wolf-Dieter Hauschild.
1. Illumination
2. Mystical plosives
3. Dream sequence

Gloria Coates: Indian Sounds (Symphony No.8) (1991).
Kathleen Eberlein e Rose Bihler Shah, voices and stones
Musica-viva-ensemble Dresden, Jürgen Wirrmann.
1. Indian Grounds
2. Indian Mounds
3. Indian Rounds

Indian Sounds:

"Indian Sounds" is the chamber orchestra version of Symphony No 8, composed in 1991 in honor of the discovery of America and a tribute to the Native Americans. I grew up in Wisconsin among the Indian culture and witnessed their isolation and struggle for rights which was happening during the period of writing this work.
Here both the English Horn and oboe play an important role, the representation of innocence with a limpid tone amidst the menacing textures in the strings.
There are three movements in the ' Indian Sounds':

I. Indian Grounds represents the land and the struggle with possession.
2. Indian Mounds represents the burial grounds, especially the Dixon Mounds in Illinois that are being robbed and exploited illegally.
3. Indian Rounds represents the symbol of eternity in the Native American culture.

The melodies used are from various tribes: Seneca, Plains, and Winnebago which are here chanted by Kathleen Eberlein and Rose Bihler Shah in the original language.
(Gloria Coates).

Gloria Coates: Symphony No.15, "Homage to Mozart", per grande orchestra (2004/2005).
Radio Symphonie Orchester Wien, Michael Boder.
Registrazione live effettuata a Vienna il 16.6.2006.

1. Iridescenses
2. Puzzle Canon
3. What Are Stars?

Symphony no.15:
"A commission for the Passau Festival the Mozart year, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. Ave Verum Corpus is one of my favorite Mozart melodies, which I used in the second movement. It is played backwards and then heard canonically towards towards the end of Movement 2.
Mozart died shortly after composing Ave Verum Corpus. This tragedy is expressed in Movement 3."
(Gloria Coates).