Donato Renzetti: Rossini La Cenerentola, Glyndebourne Festival Opera

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La Cenerentola is Gioachino Rossini's version of the popular Cinderella story, an exciting mixture of comedy, pathos, coloratura fireworks and masquerade. This Glyndebourne production by John Cox captures perfectly the fairy-tale spirit of the piece, matched by Allen Charles Klein's imaginative scenery, distorted like three-dimensional cut-outs in an old-fashioned story book.

Cast: Angelina - Kathleen Kuhlmann, Ramiro - Laurence Dale, Clorinda - Marta Taddei, Tisbe - Laura Zannini, Don Magnifico - Claudio Desderi, Dandini - Alberto Rinaldi, Alidoro - Roderick Kennedy.