Ari Rasilainen: Kurt Atterberg Symphony 2, Frankfurt Radio Symphony

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Conducted by Ari Rasilainen with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.

I. Allegro Con Moto - 00:00
II. Adagio - 12:52
III. Allegro Con Fuoco - 28:47

"Atterberg's substantial, 40-or-so-minute Symphony No. 2 was composed between 1911 and 1913. In its original form, as a two-movement work, i.e. the first movement and another combining the slow movement and scherzo, it was first performed in Gothenberg in 1912. In its revised three-movement form, it was premiered in Sondershausen in July 1913. It was performed by some of the leading conductors of the day including Nikisch and Richard Strauss. A fast-flowing work in all three movements, it is restless and heroic. One senses not only the turbulence of nature but also of nationalistic ardour. There is a hint of Mahler but the influence of Wagner is stronger: Tannhaüser and Siegfried Idyll particularly reminiscent. Bax may come to mind too. There is a touch of humour in the central movement and some material has its origins in folk music."