Andrew Davis: Rossini Ermione, Glyndebourne Festival Opera

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Andrew Davis: Rossini Ermione

Recorded at Glyndebourne's superb new opera house, this lavishly praised production of Rossini's forgotten and unusual tragic opera has proved to be an unequivocal success. Based on Racine's Andromaque, this account of the Greek and Trojan love tangle has been set by Graham Vick in the classically-inspired auditorium of an Italian opera house, rather than in ancient Greece. The set designs, with their stricking colours, forms and lighting are as if created escpecially for the small screen.

Anna Caterina Antonacci - Ermione
Diana Montague - Andromaca
Bruce Ford - Oreste
Jorge Lopez-Yanez - Pirro
Paul Austin Kelly - Pilade
Paul Nilon - Attalo
Gwynne Howell - Fenicio
Julie Unwin - Cleone
Lorna Windsor - Cefisa
Oliver Bridge - Astianatte