Ya-Fei Chuang: Marcel Tyberg Piano Trio in F major

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CDUniverse.comMarcel Tyberg, Piano Trio in F major (1935-36)

I. Allegro maestoso [0:00]
II. Adagio non troppo, sempre cantabile [10:29]
III. Rondo: Allegro con fuoco [18:52]

Violin: Michael Ludwig
Cello: Roman Mekinulov
Piano: Ya-Fei Chuang

A delightful chamber work by Austrian composer Marcel Tyberg (1893-1944). He completed the piano trio on October 12, 1936, dedicating it "with affection" to Mary KubelĂ­k-Klinz. Much of Tyberg's oeuvre has recently been rediscovered in the private collection of Ernesto Mihich in Buffalo, NY, who inherited the manuscript scores from his father Milan Mihich, an Italian physician and friend of Tyberg to whom the composer entrusted his work shortly before being deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

A biography of the composer is available at the website of the OREL Foundation