Denis Matsuev: Documentary and TV interviews

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Denis Matsuev "Steps to success" - tv programme of Alina Kabaeva

"Шаги к успеху" - авторская программа Алины Кабаевой

Denis Matsuev gives an interview to "Russia 24" TV channel
Интервью Дениса Мацуева каналу «Россия 24»

Denis Matsuev in "Meeting the audience" programme

Денис Мацуев в программе "Встреча со зрителями"

"Private time" TV programme / Денис Мацуев в передаче "Личное время"
Denis Matsuev in programme "Private time" on "Culture" TV channel 26.11.2011 The audience will visit Irkutsk, the pianist's home city. Denis will show his yard and his football ground, speak about the role of football in his life, tell us why he started playing the piano and what childhood moments are the most memorable for him. Together with Denis we will go to Baikal and visit the music school which he attended before he moved to Moscow.

Денис Мацуев в программе "Без галстука"

Trailer to the album "Matsuev. Liszt"
Трейлер альбома "Мацуев. Лист"

December 18, 2011 will see the Russian release of the 6th artist album by Denis Matsuev: "Matsuev. Liszt". The album is dated to F.Liszt 200th anniversary. It was recorded in August 2011 in the Great Hall of Moscow State Conservatoire. The album is released on the label "RCA/Red Seal" (Sony Music) and consists of 2 CDs with some of the most interesting compositions by Liszt: Piano concerto no.1, no.2, "Totentanz" and two symphonic poems, "Orpheus" and "Heroic elegy". The album was recorded with the Russian National Orchestra headed by the outstanding Russian director Michail Pletnev -- People's Artist of RSFSR, laureate of 3 State awards of the Russian Federation and the "Grammy" award (2005). The sound man of the album is Philipp Nedel, laureate of 2 "Grammies" (2002, 2009), who worked with Matuev on his latest relases, including "The Carnegie Hall Concert". The international release of the album will take place on December, 26.